

Roberta e Le Sue Idee


giovedì 4 settembre 2014


Ciaoooooo........ Quanto tempo è passato........ mi sono successe talmente
tante cose ......voi come state?come sono andate le vacanze!!!!!spero che molte di voi
si sono rilassate ,lunedì inizia di nuovo la scuola e ci risiamo con la solita routine ma è meglio così.
Tante di voi hanno seguitato anche con le vacanze ha creare tantissime creazioni ........tutte molto belle.........adesso sono tornata anche iooooo!!!!!
 Mi fa molto piacere stare di nuovo con voi ,vorrei ringraziare tutte le persone che 
mi hanno scritto tramite email e naturalmente anche tante altre che passavano per il blog ,siete sempre state molto carine e affettuose con i vostri commenti e messaggi vi porto sempre nel cuore con tanto affetto.
Ma adesso voglio mostrarvi un copriletto che la signora Elvira mi ha fatto ricamare semplicemente a punto erba anche se il lavoro è stato tantissimo a lei è stata molto soddisfatta e quindi ne è valsa la pena.
a presto

45 commenti:

  1. Ciaooooooo finalmente ti ritrovo, come stai? bellissimo il ricamo, ma tu sei bravisssssssima si sà! A presto M.Grazia

  2. Wow Che "lavoraccio"!! Immagino sia stato faticoso ma il risultato è bellissimo!!

  3. Molto molto bello ben tornata, ciao Giordana.

  4. sono senza parole........complimenti te lo meriti......
    passa a trovarmi....
    strucon PepeSale

  5. è molto bello questo lavoro e il colore è davvero fantastico. Bentornata!

  6. un lavorone lunghissimo ma ne valeva la pena.glo

  7. Complimenti, sei davvero molto brava!! Le tue creazioni son molto belle ☺ e ben rifinite, ho dato una sbirciatina al tuo blog e mi è piaciuto tantissimo!!
    A presto e buona serata!!

  8. Meraviglioso ricamo, un lavoro che incanta!
    I miei complimenti!
    Buona domenica da Beatris

  9. que trabalho sublime

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  11. di ricami non me ne capisco tanto ma del fare dell'uomo si e qui vedo tanta capacità e leggerezza.
    Complimenti e chi sa come è bello tutto l'insieme. Un fine gesto di amore per chi lo ha ordinato e per chi lo ha fatto.

  12. Ciao Roberta! intanto complimenti per la tua ottima manualità! ho fatto un giro sul tuo blog incuriosata da un commento letto su Sinforosa e devo dire che ne sono rimasta estasiata!Io mi chiamo Stefania, detta stella ... e ho un blog nato da poco "la vita a sorsi di caffè"! sarebbe carino seguirci, ma ovviamente lo chiedo in cortesia e senza impegno; ti auguro una buona serata complimentandomi nuovamente!

  13. peccato essere nato uomo con una antica educazione all'antica. altre il bottone non vado

  14. Bellissimo blog complimenti! Ti seguo♡

  15. The first year I went to college, I studied hard. I have a friend who lives next to him, he often plays games overnight, he's very thin but smart. So I feel uncomfortable when he plays and sometimes yelling, I hate being bothered by him, I can concentrate to work or study.
    One beautiful day, I know: You are studying information technology, you want to create a game that can be suitable for anyone. This reason makes him play many different games to find focus on each game. I keep an eye on him, I think his ideas are great. I started talking to my neighbors and trying the game. Because I have never played it, my limbs are not flexible, my eyes are not fast and my head is reflective but my friends are not. He can play any game perfectly. Then, once a week, I follow him to the game store and my life is changing right now.
    When playing games, we must focus and have a clear strategy. If you are familiar with this, you will easily succeed in many other areas. We can solve all problems in life when the mood is good and the best way to relax is to play the game, you can forget all the bad things, you can neglect any body, even are beautiful boys. The boy is coming and sitting beside me because of his intense concentration. You can make friends with many smart people and special interests. However, you should play on a purposeful schedule to avoid being addicted.
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  16. Molto molto bello ben tornata, ciao Giordana.
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  17. As a student, I lead a life of honesty and simplicity. By habit I get up early from bed and clean my parts of the body and brush my teeth with a brush. I take physical exercise to keep my body healthy and fit and if it becomes advantageous for me, I take a walk of about one kilometer.

    I get refreshed with the morning walk or a little exercise and then prepare myself for the study with utmost sincerity. It is against my principle to put off today's work for tomorrow or to have any private tutor. I accept the guidance of my elder brother who has proficiency in English and mathematics as well.

    After devoting myself to study from 7 A.M. to 9 A.M., I play games for sometime without having any rigid rules. After bathing in the well, I take my meal prepared by my mother at 9.45 A.M. and proceed to the school situated at a distance of only one furlong from my home.

    The classes begin at 10.30 A.M. usually. I go to school with my good friends and occupy the first bench. On the way to school I talk a great variety of topics with students coming from different parts of the town. I maintain punctuality in attending classes.

    In the classes we listen to the teachings of the teachers with rapt attention. The recess is allowed for an hour. In the recess hour I take the Tiffin given by my mother in a Tiffin box. I play some outdoor games like foot ball or cricket for energizing my spirits. In the recess time also I talk of the topics taught in the classes with my friends and come to class at 2 P.M.

    The recess breaks at 2 P.M. and thereafter we continue for four periods. The school breaks up at 4.30 P.M. in the afternoon and I get back home. Having placed my books and notes in the proper place I wash my hands and face. After having a little Tiffin I proceed to the playground for playing games of different kinds. I play hockey, kabadi, football, cricket and other games as it suits to me or to my friends. In the playground students of different classes meet together and make friends with one another.

    I return home at 6 P.M. and prepare my lessons after getting my dresses changed and after washing my hands, feet and face. I begin my studies at about 6.30 P.M. As a matter of habit, I read for about two and half hours and take my supper at 9.30 P.M.

    There is a slight change in the routine on Sunday which is a holiday. I engage myself in the uniform dresses of school. I also visit a movie or theatre. I spend the Sundays in a different way than on the other days. This is all about my daily life as a student.

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